Carla’s Personal Testimony of Healing

Brainsweep: My Personal Use and Results


I was initially trained in basic Brainsweep interventions in June 2016. My personal use proved highly successful in resolving an old relationship that ended in the late ‘90s. Even though I had worked through related grief and loss issues with other powerful interventions, there were residual components that still hung on. I focused on healing the issues with the new intervention — discovering in the process I’d been carrying PTSD from this relationship. The lingering responses cleared quickly. As happenstance would have it, the intervention’s success was tested when my former partner unexpectedly contacted me after 15 years. I was able to easily speak with him and create closure. We have remained friends. With continued use another issue raised its last vestiges, was resolved and tested.

As one problem clears, any others automatically surface for release. That’s the beauty of Brainsweep interventions, and you may not be consciously aware of the issue. But suddenly you discover you feel much lighter…have more clarity and physical energy. When things don’t drag you down, robust health and well-being are the natural state.

A Remarkable Mind-Body Healing

In mid-October 2016 I returned from my spiritual travel program in Peru. During that time, we stayed in the high-altitude, remote Q’ero village of Ccochamocco where I maintain relationships. Upon our arrival I learned of the tragic death of a pregnant young mother and had involvement with the grieving dad. I also witnessed the devastating effect on the 3-year-old child. I am certain this girl was with her mom when she hemorrhaged to death, otherwise alone.

I was unable to personally process my response to this loss as I was responsible for my group. My time was also completely taken up with the community-at-large. After we returned to Cusco, the program over and the group gone home, I was overtaken with severe physical symptoms. I had sharp pain in my left ear unlike anything I’d experienced before. I was disoriented and not in my body, barely able to get out of bed. I did remember to do the Level I intervention I’d been taught. But it had no effect. Upon return home, visits to an emergency clinic and my naturopath brought no relief.

The ear pain finally began to dissipate after about a month. Immediately on its heels though came constant, profuse tearing from both my eyes. For many years I’ve worked using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and energy medicine with clients having health challenges. I’m quite sure these symptoms were a response to my time in the Q’ero village and having to suppress my grief over the death of the young mom and effect on the family.

But nothing worked that I self-administered or that my naturopath prescribed. I had travel plans over three weeks in November-December. First, I was going to see my folks over Thanksgiving. Then I had been invited to Charleston, South Carolina and Lafayette, Louisiana.

The tearing had become so heavy, it was as though I was crying all the time. It interfered with my ability to see clients, do any presentation or function normally. I traveled to my parents’ home in Ohio but cancelled any follow-on travel. I managed to get a referral to an ophthalmologist, a cornea specialist.

With a second visit he finally diagnosed Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis, non-bacterial, non-viral. He told me, while it didn’t threaten my eyesight, it was a rare disease for which there was no cure.

This condition is listed on the National Institute of Health website in the Genetic and Rare Disease Section, saying it normally progresses over 1-10 years. I’d had no previous symptoms. No one in my family has ever had such a thing.

In early December, the next level of Brainsweep training was held. I attended the training online, going through the advanced intervention myself as part of the learning process. Within a few hours, I noticed the tearing had diminished.

I self-administered the added intervention daily for the next 5 days. Even after the second time, the tearing stopped. It has not returned. I also noticed that I could speak about the death of the young mother without an intense emotional response I had still retained a week before.

Since then, I’ve continued to use Brainsweep interventions on a weekly basis as a boost or preventive. The last vestiges of physical and emotional exhaustion⎯including brain fog⎯I’d experienced for months completely vacated. I was back to my old self: clarity in thought, high energy and able to engage fully in my work and life.

I have personal evidence Brainsweep interventions work and am honored to teach others this skill everyone should have.


Carla Woody

July 28, 2017

Read other’s experience of Brainsweep interventions here.

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